<<<  s. 1982 - 2                           >>>  s. 1984


SENSOR TIMING - Project 1983  
The mobile sensor timers M-1 and M-4 ready for
series production



At the beginning of the year 1983, I ordered additional 30 "CRONUS"-stopwatches, and I set about doing to install my IR-sensor electronics. Unfortunately, the troubles with the rechargeable NiCd cells could not be eliminated completely. When the temperature fell under minus 20°C, some cells failed and had to be replaced - often a difficult operation because the electronics were largely embedded in silicone. Enormous costs forced me to restrict the tests with the Austrians ski teams, and to perform the tests by myself at small slopes near my hometown Linz.

The new device could be worn with a self-adhesive tape anywhere on the body . It was only necessary to turn the IR sensor toward the transponder in the slalom pole. (see picture). There was also the possibility, to combine the IR transponder rod at the start point with an existing electronic timekeeping unit like ALGE (the rod had plugs). A feature, that was mainly used by ski teams.

I offered two versions : the standard model M -1 with 1 split time plus total time, and the model M- 4 with 3 split times plus total time. To measure split times, one had only to push additional measuring rods into the snow (at the desired measurement points along the slope) e.g. when placing the slalom poles along a course for training purposes.

Such an image was then published in Heinz Prüllers "Ski-Magazin".

In March 1983 ( still employed as full-time designer in a track machinery company ) I tried to establish a distribution organization for my Sensor Timing devices in Austria, and contacted Kurt Kerber, a former professional timekeeper at LONGINES. Kerber was able to sell some equipment to Austrian elite ski racers (e.g. Christian Orlainsky ). The new timing system was also used for cross-country skiing. During the following years, some unknown cross country skiers worked with a sensor timing device that had been sold by the company Kerber in 1983.

IIn a further step, I achieved a further miniaturization and the hermetic implementation of the IR sensor into a stopwatch housing. June 1983 was another test. Coach Kurt Hoch made the following photos at the training of the Austrian Ski Federation (Ladies) on the glacier of the Kitzsteinhorn:


In May 1983, Kurt Hoch asked me to provide additional sensor timing devices for the summer training session held in August 1983 in Australia, includion measuring rods. I worked day and night, and finally, I achieved the completion. The equipment was given to Kurt Hoch in end of July, just in time. Unfortunately it was not possible for me to book a flight ticket to Australia. So I could not be present at the tests. Result: The equipment did not work, for unknown reasons (probably defective chargers). A first serious setback. . Then came additional stress and anger about patent law matters, through negotiation with a optional U.S. partner who was interested in the use of my patent for the settlement of city marathons and increasing harassment at my main job as designer in a company in Linz. This led to the first burn-out. 

In October 1983, a further test with the Austrian Ski Team took place in Sölden (Tyrol, Austria) under the new coaches Werner Margreiter and Andi Rauch, who spoke up for the project and for the further development.


End of December 1983, the father of the later Ski World Champion Marc Girardelli contacted me by phone and ordered several sensor timing devices (see consignment note); also his colleague Markus Jenni (representing the Lebanese Ski Federation(!).

The serial production of the "Senso Timing"- devices could begin!

        <<<  s. 1982 - 2                           >>>  s. 1984

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